Music that Motivates
etudes for this generation of pianists
Sheet Music by Elizabeth Borowsky - Music that Motivates
- Other |
- Instrument(s) |
- Genre |
- Level |
- 1 Elementary |
- 2 Early Intermediate |
- 3 Late Intermediate |
- 4 Advanced |
- Collections |

ABOUT 100 piano Solos
In 100 Solos for Piano Prodigies, I draw inspiration from an array of styles that students enjoy in their day-to-day lives, which allows me to write music for young pianists that's relevant and engaging.
As a pianist and composer, I know what audiences love. As a teacher, I know what students love (and what’s important for them to learn!). Each piece was custom-crafted for a student and has been student-tested and student-approved.
These pieces are etudes (studies) for this generation of pianists. I jokingly refer to them as "gummy vitamins" - they're delicious but technically and artistically nutritious. The music challenges and inspires the player simultaneously.
Students love learning (aka practicing) this music. Teachers have written in to share their success stories, and how these solos have transformed students who are on the verge of quitting and turned them into motivated practicers who exceeded even their own highest expectations (much less those of their parents and teachers).
I am excited for YOU to try it!
I wanted to tell you how much my student liked Midnight Magic. It’s the first time in 3 years of working with me that I felt she played with this much musical expression. It’s a hit on my list!
— Dr. Carleen Graff
Professor Emeritus, Plymouth State University -
When you listen to her music, it has jazz and classical and that makes it fun and exciting! You feel the music going through you and you just want to get up and dance to it!
— Nate, age 12
These pieces challenge my students to go beyond what they thought they can do (they don’t even realize it!). They love the music. Their parents love that this was all written by a living American composer who they got to meet! And I love that the music is FULL of technical and artistic concepts that help them be better pianists.
— Ms. Natalie Bunai
Musicianship Academy -
Like etudes they're really good at working on technical ability, but unlike etudes, they're really fun and they sound good!
— Ben, age 13
Just wanted to tell you that my students have been LOVING your pieces! I assigned two of them at their lessons earlier this week. Today I just received an email from one of the parents telling me how excited her daughter was to practice!
— Dr. Madeline Rogers
Omaha Conservatory of Music -
Ms. Elizabeth's compositions inspire me to push the limits of my musical expression and to dig deeper into the heart of the music
— Liana, age 17